Look Up
In the captivating artwork titled "Look Up," the viewer's perspective is transformed into a first-person experience, gazing heavenward towards the boundless sky. It's a moment of profound connection with the universe, a reminder of the vastness that stretches above us.
This simple act of looking up is a tribute to the profound words of Marcus Garvey, who reminded us that God and Nature are our first creators, shaping the essence of who we are. The sky, which stretches limitlessly above us, and God, who transcends our understanding, are the touchstones that guide us in life.
As we direct our gaze towards the heavens, we become part of an eternal conversation, an unspoken exchange with the cosmos. In this act of reverence, we acknowledge our connection to something greater, an awareness that we are but a small part of a much grander design.
"Look Up" serves as a reminder of the boundless potential that exists beyond our everyday concerns. It's an invitation to pause, to reflect, and to connect with the sky and the divine. In this simple act, we find solace and inspiration, recognizing that our measure is not limited by the
confines of time and space. It's a reminder that the sky and God are our guiding stars, our limits,
and our immeasurable source of inspiration.