Train to Berlin
"Train to Berlin" is a visual poem that captures a poignant journey. The protagonist's gaze out of the train window hints at the depth of emotions, memories, and unspoken words that often find their voice through art.
The story unfolds as a train carries the traveler toward a destination filled with nostalgia, longing, and hope. Time and distance seem to blur as the minutes and hours pass. The bubble by your name signifies the digital communication of our era, where words often remain unspoken, hidden beneath the surface.
The decision to meet in person is like a leap of faith, a way to bridge the gaps that words couldn't. The meeting is a reflection of the complex relationship, marked by its own set of struggles and potholes, revealing the depth of emotions, love, and perhaps regret.
As the traveler leaves, the viewer sees the turmoil of emotions, the weight of unspoken stories, and the desire to heal. The mention of the medicine on the table alludes to the presence of an illness, whether physical or metaphorical, that has impacted both individuals.
The journey home, with its hours and minutes, symbolizes the cyclical nature of life. The desire to turn around and go back hints at the never-ending cycle of memories, love, and longing. It's a profound illustration of how art can convey the complexity of human relationships, where emotions remain unsaid and the journey continues.